Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Dirk Valentine 2 again

Actually there's another easter egg in Final Ninja Zero.

In level 18 Monty appears again and says

Right Dirk..
What? You again! Get off this channel!


  1. I saw this, but it never passed my mind that Nitrome were hinting at a sequel. Also, I've never finished all levels of Dirk Valentine, but this is certainly exciting news!

  2. hm... it was said that Dirk Valentine 2 might be coming soon... but idk when... the first one was pretty fun, but it got boring after a while, even tho i beat it...

  3. There is also going to be a sequel to Twin Shot :) It should come out today or tomorrow, but a Dirk Valentine sequel would be cool :D

  4. >:0 YES. SEQUEL. PLEASE. NOW!!!!! there has to be!! ive beat the game about five times and its hinting at a sequel i know it!! (i mean when you beat it dosnt it say at the end that theres gonna be one?!?!?!?!?!) its always been fun for me and i NEVER get bored playing it. in fact i was just gonna play it now but i searched this instead (of course ill be playing it after i leave this comment >:D ) please please please tell me if anyone finds out cuz i want more action!! >:)

    Yours Truly, Tessa <3 (yea thats right even girls like me can enjoy this.. my whos a girl showed it to me about two or two and a half years ago :D )

  5. (my friend whos a girl sorry xD^) o yea this is also tessa peeps ;)
