Thursday, June 25, 2009

How to beat the Behemoth

Here are some tips on how to kill the Final Boss in Double Edged.

Stay at the bottom of the screen. His breath-attack won't hit you there. Make sure there are no skeletons left on the screen when he... when he.... well, when he licks the ground???

Don't touch the treasure chest. Don't waste the treasure chest. If your life-bar's under 50% the chest will contain a piece of meat.

Make sure NO sceleton will get your sword. If you lose your weapon, YOU are lost. If there are to many skeletons, make use of your Special-Attack!

Double Edged Review

You think after a month of waiting, there's gotta be a pretty good game coming out?
You're right! Although I've heard some negative voices, I must say that i really enjoyed playing the new game. (I know that they had accidentally(?) released the game before, but i missed it, so it was new at least to me.)

I loved the greek-mythology-references, i loved the graphics, and i especially loved what all the enemies had to say. Midas for example ("Gimme a hug") or the first enemy that carried a hammer ("Hammertime!").

The only thing i can complain about is that the game was a little too short and easy. Maybe there'll be a Double Edged 2? I definetly hope so!